Sunday, November 23, 2008


People who read it really lykd it....this article(story better say) my first contribution to college editorial,....n of coursea damn successful one at d place for which i wrote it actually(goiit).....


not fresh composition however....but i luv it....hope u enjoy!

Life is a sin x function as it goes up so it goes down . that day was too the day of heights. I was extremely elated, positive and confident . my 4 attempts for the highest post for the country had ended in failure , and this was the final one , a year ago I stood against all odds of my life and was determined to crack it this year .
My confidence was being reflected on my parent's faces. My eyes were glittering for success as 4 failures meant to me a big success this time. i was loaded with luck, my 11 year old watch, that black sweater, a long streak of tika and blessings of whole family. I boarded a bus to street no. 7 and then straight to examination hall. Checking all my essentials I flashed back into the past. those days of glory were rolling in front of my eyes . I was famous as a girl of logic at my school, which I approved by getting admission in the top technical university of the country. But, this was the start .i started preparing for exhaustive post of the country , 4 futile attempts had shattered me into pieces. But my family stood as a pillar for me to prop. To me "sky is the limit". I wanted to change the destiny of my country but today my own was hanging in the balance.
Then the approaching steps of the invigilator brought me back to present. O!!! what a paper I can do it in half of the time. I geared up towards the questions. but oh! This is the same question which consumed my whole time last year(the root of all evil)I knew it this time but ??????..
And then my negativity invaded my positivity. The pen was moving just to move. my past overtook my present. I came out of the examination hall ........... blank. last attempt gone !5 years of life vain !! I was shocked to the extent that I could not even cry; I was walking with the crowd but without any aim. From street no. 13 I went into an under ground tunnel. It was dead calm, still as if time had stopped. I too was walking senselessly. I won't go home I decided, I cant face my parents . I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't realized that my mobile phone slipped of my hands. But suddenly, I noticed a flash of light on the walls of tunnel. I Rushed towards that flash instead of picking my mobile up , which was throwing that glittering light on the wall. I had come back to senses. Touching that flash I broke into pieces with a thundering cry!. I rolled my eyes over the surroundings ,it was dark ! all black! and one spot of light was making the difference.
This took me to my world of reason. With tears slowly invading my cheeks, I thought,this dark can only give way to light. Those who live in life only fear of dark! Why is this dark cursed? It shows u the importance of light. Why people avoid this tunnel , not becoz it is uncomfortable to walk here but becoz they fear of dark or actually the darker side of life. Life is different than teacher,A teacher teaches lesson & then keeps the exam.But the life keeps the exam first & then teaches the lesson. (these words r not mine)
Those who don't actually win even after a big loss.
Ok! If life is dragging me back it must be launching me into victory. Now that dead calm meant silence to me becoz my heart was smiling. Always when we lose life seems to come to an end as it was to me but then hope says! one more time. picking my mobile up I rushed to the flight of stairs, to go back home.
My parents were standing with a curve of smile and loads of expectations. I replied with a fake smile. Though no conversation took place but the thoughts were exchanged. I looked into their eyes .those were saying-
With my head held high o looked into the sky. It looked new , fresh as if it was smiling. Every thing was new to me as I had conquered my fear , the fear of dark!!!!!!!!!!

1 Comment:

Unknown said...

awesome... :) hail rockie